
Maddox's 2nd Birthday

We celebrated Maddox’s 2nd birthday early since baby #2’s due date is right around his actual birthday. Maddox loves dinosaurs so it’s only natural that we have a dinosaur themed party.

We invited our family over to have a small party and needless to say, Maddox had a great time!

maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
Trying to be like mama with her pregnant belly

Trying to be like mama with her pregnant belly

maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
maddox birthday thomas chen thomaslchen
Trying out his new bike

Trying out his new bike